Prop Maker/ Set Builder
I mostly work with designing graphic props. Although I also build set pieces and set placement. I am happiest building something.
Fiction Film - Caught Like a Fly: Set Piece
Fiction Film - Bar Set Design

Fiction film Props - One of the missing posters I edited. I made 4 different ones. All with spider related names. I got a generic missing poster and edited the picture and details.

I created an evidence wall. It had a multitude of research into spiders on it. The myths, legends and histories. How to protect yourself from spiders. their weaknesses.

Newspaper article about a missing jogger. I edited it on photoshop. Made it look real when the camera passed it. From afar. It looked real.

Fiction film Props - One of the missing posters I edited. I made 4 different ones. All with spider related names. I got a generic missing poster and edited the picture and details.

Empty Bar - Set Design: for the taster film of our Final Fiction film piece. I was doing set placement for an empty bar that needed a lot of set dressing. I needed to find bottles from all over the place. Beer mats, even an extra non working pump.

Full Bar - Glass Bottles filled with water food colouring or Orange squash. I knew I wanted a rundown bar feel for the main piece. That meant finding alcohol bottles that weren't obscure. In the end the we had a lot of fancy gin bottles that didn't fit the bar feel. however I am okay with that.

Empty Bar - Set Design: for the taster film of our Final Fiction film piece. I was doing set placement for an empty bar that needed a lot of set dressing. I needed to find bottles from all over the place. Beer mats, even an extra non working pump.
Technical Theatre - The Tempest

During the production of the Tempest we decided to make the piece immersive. The audience walks across a bridge to the boat we have laid out.

We rigged up a sail and made wooden pallets into a boat. We projected our faces onto polystyrene heads to tell the tale of the Tempest

The pirate was an interesting character to dress. We wanted a feminie/ masculine character.

During the production of the Tempest we decided to make the piece immersive. The audience walks across a bridge to the boat we have laid out.
Department of Distractions

The chairs I built for Department of Distractions.

The chairs I built for Department of Distractions.
Scenography Project - Moon Rocks

The Moon Project was about missing moon rocks that America gave to all countries all over the world. from Apollo 11/17 space missions. I graphic designed a newspaper headlines to say the moon rock had gone missing. It was extremely interesing.

It is a ticket to the moon That I edited. It got its close up on the big screen.

I took the role because I have an interest in film. being able to film and have the audience choose between where they looked. was an odd experience

The Moon Project was about missing moon rocks that America gave to all countries all over the world. from Apollo 11/17 space missions. I graphic designed a newspaper headlines to say the moon rock had gone missing. It was extremely interesing.
Alternative Music Video - Drag Me Through Hell

For the unauthorized music video of Drag Me Through Hell. (Check out my film page.) Italian Menu. Crumpled and ripped.

Police report. Dyed with tea and smeared with fake blood.

Identity cards the Hit man uses

For the unauthorized music video of Drag Me Through Hell. (Check out my film page.) Italian Menu. Crumpled and ripped.